Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Change of Plans

I moved my flight back to Sept. 29. I'll be taking off at 7:45 am that Saturday. Also, I'd like to thank everyone for the wonderful send-offs I've had so far! You all are amazing and I am continually grateful for the support I've been given.

And if you plan on sending me a package, here are some guidelines straight from the Peace Corps headquarters:

The Central Asia Desk has created some guidelines for family and friends who want to send a Trainee letters, care packages, and other correspondence by post during Pre-Service Training for Turkmenistan trainees. This address will only be valid up to December 26, 2007, so please plan your deliveries accordingly (no later than the first week of December, considering delivery times).

Feel free to make several copies of the following address sheet. You can cut and tape the address directly to an envelope or a package. Delivery of your letter and/or package will be delivered if addressed only in English – however, an accompanying Turkmen version may expedite delivery.

At the post office: Airmail delivery of letters and packages can generally take a few weeks. Surface delivery of packages can take much, much longer. Your post office will be able to assist in determining a reliable and cost-effective way of shipping items to the Trainee.

A note on sending packages: Please be sure to seal all packages with strong packing tape. Insuring the package may discourage tampering and pilfering. PC/Turkmenistan cannot be held responsible for damaged or open packages, but will file a complaint to postal authorities on your behalf.

For example, the address is as follows:

US Peace Corps/Turkmenistan
P.O. Box 258, Krugozor
Central Post Office
Ashgabat, 744000
(your name in English)

Türkmenistan Aşgabat, 744000
Merkezi poçta
abonent 258, Krugozor
Parahatçylyk Korpusy, Türkmenistan
(your name in English)

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